Concrete House Leveling in St. Louis, MO

Slab jacking, concrete lifting, mudjacking—whatever you call it, it’s a good idea if you have a sinking or uneven concrete slab home. Here’s the lowdown on why it’s a great choice for St. Louis area homeowners who are looking to repair their pavement or foundations.

What is Mudjacking?

Mudjacking (also known as slabjacking and concrete raising) is a process that involves pumping cement materials underneath your existing concrete slabs in order to raise them back to level. This is a fast and affordable alternative to replacing your concrete altogether—which can be time consuming and expensive! Plus, mudjacking is much less messy than replacement as there is minimal disruption to your home. It also offers an incredibly durable solution for fixing sunken or uneven slabs around your home, and is a great way to get your house back to level.

What Can Homeowners Expect During the House Leveling Process?

During the mudjacking process, small holes are drilled into the slabs that needs repair. A cement mixture made of sand, cement and water will then be pumped through these holes until the slab reaches its desired height. Once complete, the holes are filled with cement and left to dry before you can walk or drive on it again! Most projects can be completed in one day so you don’t have too much down time waiting for it to dry before being able to use your driveway again!

Pros & Cons of Mudjacking

The biggest benefit of mudjacking is its affordability compared with full replacement of concrete slabs. Not only does it save money upfront but by preventing further settling over time this can result in cost savings down the line as well. It’s also relatively quick and easy compared with other methods of repair like pouring new concrete which can take days to cure before use while mudjacked surfaces can be used within hours of completion! On the downside though, due to the nature of this type of repair there may be some minor settlement over time which may require additional repairs down the line depending on how severe they are. It’s important to note however that when done correctly this method should provide many years of service without needing any further attention!

If you’re looking for an affordable and effective solution for your house leveling in St. Louis, look no further than mudjacking! With minimal disruption and lasting results that won’t break your budget – it’s hard not to love this cost-effective alternative to full replacement! So don’t wait until things get worse – contact St. Louis Mudjacking & Concrete Leveling today and get back on track with a permanent repair solution that won’t let you down!